Scouts are a group of young people aged 10 ½ to 14 .
Scouts are our eldest section and their mainly reliant on Cubs moving up which is great so they can continue their scouting .
SCOUTS AGM annual report 23-24
Well, what another busy year we have had with the scout section.
We held our first expedition with some of the older scouts as part of their Gold award. They all did brilliantly. They had to walk and camp overnight and continue the walk the next day. They had to be self-sufficient with tents and cooking. Becky and I were there to remotely supervise them along the route and during the evening. Thank you, Becky, for all the training you have did with them.
Scouts learnt some first aid and applied this to different scenarios to get their badge.
We worked on our navigation and completed a night hike at Hawkbatch in Bewdley where they all took turns to navigate part of the route.
Scouts did some junk modelling on the theme of animals or landmarks towards their creative badge and there were some great outcomes.
We have done lots of fires and cooking a variety of things from crumpets, toast and egg sandwiches.
We had a sleepover at WF10 hut and went Bell boating which was first for many of us.
December, we did some Christmas crafts, and we awarded our first ever 5 Gold awards to Dan, Jude, Spencer, Olly and George. It had been so nice to see them grow in character, confidence and learning new skills along the way. They did us proud.
The new year started with Steve running a fire photography night in which the scouts had the chance to swing a ball of fire. We used slow speed photography to capture some amazing pictures.
We celebrated Burns night with a campfire and haggis and other Scottish food and games. We said Goodbye to Tayla who was leaving to have her baby.
Steve ran a pioneering night for us and the scouts made some great A frames, they had to learn lashings and knots, they then had chariot races.
We had a night vision evening where no torches were allowed and did the disappearing head trick which was fun and trying to identify colours in the dark.
We went litter picking on a very wet evening over Burlish top and found a can dated 1975 which was amazing, and it showed us just how long things take to breakdown.
We have had another successful cub and scout night where scouts taught the cubs some new skills and problem solving/teamwork.
The scouts took part in a ‘take your egg over the assault course’ and the reward was that they could break the egg over my head at the end of the night if they were successful. So many eggs survived (unfortunately for me) and true to my word I let them break them on my head which became very painful at the end.
We held our first Patrol and assistant patrol leader camp which was a great success and will become a regular event.
Scouts have taken part in St Georges and Remembrance parades and have always looked so smart and respectful. Well done.
We finished the year off with tubing at Wolverley school which was enjoyed by scouts and leaders. We also said Goodbye to Alisha who has been a great asset and great fun over the last couple of years.
I want to say a big THANK YOU to the scout leader team as scouts wouldn’t be able to run without your help and dedication. So, Thank you Becky, Alisha, Tayla, Phil, Katie and Spencer.
And lastly a big THANK YOU to all the scouts and parents who have supported us over the last year. It’s so nice to see the scouts grow in confidence and learn new skills along the way.